The resonance rubblization technology can be adopted to reconstruct old concrete pavement and eradicate reflection cracking. This method fractures pavement into fragments quickly and directly casts asphalt on fractures, shortening time cost of reconstruction. Previous studies about this technology mainly concentrated on asphalt-casting methods, and the quality, stiffness, and flatness of reconstructed pavement. Few studies concerned about the resonance rubblization-induced tunnel response. Based on a rock tunnel in China, 3D numerical simulation and field tests were conducted. Acceleration-time history curves of tunnel lining was monitored during field tests, and it was used to validate the numerical model. Then the resonance rubblization caused additional internal stress of tunnel was investigated using the validated numerical model. Results show that the peak additional Mises stress in inverted arch and tunnel lining is about 2 MPa and 1.5 MPa respectively, and it reduces significantly along transverse, longitudinal and vertical directions on tunnel. The effects of isolation trenches were also discussed, and outcomes show that isolation trenches can help reduce the peak additional Mises stress in inverted arch and tunnel lining by 31.7% and 16.0% respectively, demonstrating the effects of isolation trenches.